The name of the Society is |
The registered office of the Society is at Cuttack, now changed to Kalinga Bhawan, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar. |
(i) The objects of the Society are public charitable and literary objects particularly as enumerated below:- |
(a) To diffuse useful knowledge in arts, science, scientific research, engineering, technology and promotion of literature, political education and allied subjects both inside and outside the Indian Union.
(b) To organize relief work in times of flood, famine, epidemic or disaster of any other occasion independently or with collaboration of individual societies or
associations or organizations.
(c) To promote, encourage foreign studies and researches by Indian students.
(d) To take such action as may be necessary to co-ordinate activities of the Society with other Societies and organizations with similar objects.
(e) To assist, subscribe, co-operate with or affiliate with any other Society, institutions whether incorporate or registered or not having objects altogether in part or similar to it and enters into agreement with such organizations as aforesaid for fulfillment of its objects.
(f) To provide medical and welfare facilities and other amenities to children, disabled and infirm persons, the destitute and the orphans.
(g) To acquire movable or immovable properties on behalf of the Society and sell, lease, exchange, dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any part of such properties.
(h) To set apart a part of the income for providing funds for making suitable contributions towards relief in the event of distress caused to the people by famine, flood, earthquake, cyclone ,fire, tempest, epidemic and such other calamity or provided that in granting relief preference given to people of Orissa should they happen to be the victims of such distresses or calamities, with power to the Trustees to make over money for such relief work to public charitable associations for carrying out the aforesaid objects, under such terms and conditions as Trustees may settle and decide.
(i) Provide monetary assistance in the shape of stipends, scholarships, grants or other assistance or otherwise for enabling meritorious and deserving students male or female to –
- Prosecute higher studies in India and outside.
- Provide for stipend preferably to students of at least Orissa for learning.
- Continue studies in secondary schools.
- Continue studies in colleges in arts, science and commerce.
- Prosecute studies in institutions ,in or outside India, which impart education in technical , commercial, professional and/or vocational subjects including engineering, medical and agriculture. Preference should be given to poor and deserving students coming from the family of persons in Orissa.

(j) Provide funds for any or more of the public charitable and literary objects.
(k) Build up a reserve fund by setting apart any amount in accordance with the discretion of the Trustees.
(L) To build hospitals and make arrangements for poor and deserving persons For free medical treatment.
(m) For the purpose of carrying out the charitable objects of the Society to borrow or raise or secure the payment of money from Banks and other financial institutions on such terms as the Board of Trustees may decide and if required by the lender of mortgage or charge all or any of the property and assets of the Society both present and future.
(n) In case Board of Trustees think it necessary for carrying out the charitable objects to invest the funds of the Trust in such shares and securities as they think fit and also to deal in any such shares and securities from time to time as the Board thinks fit.
(ii) In order to achieve its above objects the Society is hereby authorized – |
(a) To accept, procure subscriptions, donations or other contributions and procure, collect, accept gifts and endowments.
(b)To lend money to such persons or companies on such terms as may seem expedients and with or without security and also to guarantee any loans granted to any person or companies on such terms and conditions as may seem expedient and invest and deal with the monies of the Society in such manner as may seem expedient and in particular by the purchaser of shares or debentures of any company or on a mortgage of any properties either movable or immovable or in the purchase or acquisition of any share in a Partnership business.
(c) To own a printing press and print newspaper, magazines, periodicals, books and such other matters which are necessary in the estimation of the Board
of Trustees for attaining the objectives of the Society.
(d) To enter into any business as the Board of Trustees may think necessary in the interest of the Society without contravening the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 for the attainment of its objectives.
(e) And generally to do all such things as may be incidental or conducive for attainment of the objects of the Society or any of them.
The following are the names and addresses and occupations of the members of the Board of Trustees to whom by its rules, the management and affairs are entrusted. |
Name |
Occupation |
Address |
Dr. Harekrushna Mahatab |
Ex-Chief Minister, Orissa |
New capital, Bhubaneswar, Dist.Puri, Chairman |
Sri Nabakrushna Choudhury |
Ex-Chief Minister, Orissa |
Post: Angul, Dist. Dhenkanal, Member |
Sri Bijoyanand Patnaik |
Industrialist |
Anand Bhawan, Cuttack-1, Managing Trustee |
Sir Bir Pratab Sing Deo |
Yubaraj, Sonepur |
Sonepur Raj, Orissa, Treasurer |
Sir Sadhucharan Mohanty |
Retired Dist. And Sessions Judge |
Old Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Member |
Sir Biren Kumar Mitra |
Ex-President, Utkal Pradesh Congress Committee |
Biharibag, Cuttack-1, Member. |
Industrialist |
Anand Bhawan, Cuttack-1, Member
We, the undersigned, are desirous of forming a Society in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association.
Signature |
Address & description Of the signatory |
Name, address and description of witness |
Sd/- Bijoyanand Patnaik |
Industrialist Anand Bhawan, Cuttack |
Sd/- S. Patnaik, Advocate, Cuttack-1 |
Sd/- V.S. Subramanian |
Service holder, Tulsipur, Cuttack |
Sd/- Illegible, Works Secretary, Kalinga Tubes Ltd, Choudwar. |
Sd/- Satish Chandra Sethi |
Service holder, Madhusudhan Avenue, Cuttack-1 |
Sd/- Illegible, Tulsipur
Sd/- R.Venkateswaran |
Service holder, 33, Chittaranjan Avenue, Calcutta – 12 |
Sd/- Illegible, Works Secretary, Kalinga Tubes Ltd. |
Industrialist, Anand Bhawan, Cuttack |
Sd/- S. Patnaik, Advocate, Cuttack-1 |
Sd/- Kaminikanta Patnaik |
Advocate, Madhusudhan Avenue, Cuttack-1 |
Sd/- Rajalakshmi Patnaik, Madhusudhan Avenue, Cuttack-1 |
Sd/- Sisir Kumar Das |
Businessman, Madhusudhan Avenue, Cuttack-1 |
Sd /- Rajalakshmi Patnaik, Madhusudhan Avenue, Cuttack- 1 |